Monday 22 October 2012

Introducing the main task and initial ideas MUSIC MAGAZINE

Now that I have completed my preliminary task of producing a front cover and contents page for the college magazine.
My main task is to professionally produce the front page, contents and a double page spread of a new muisc magazine. Ensuring all of the images and text included are my own and it has to have a minimum of 6 expertly taken and appropriated edited images.
I am going to produce a music magazine focused at girls and by conducting some market research on what girls like to see in magazines that already exist and then I will incorporate the features girls like in my magazine, however I will focus it mainly on music.
The content of my magazine will be articles on famous musicians, the latest music, interviews with icons such as Lady Gaga, Rihanna (musicians that girls listen to), celebrity/musician gossip, reviews of gigs/concerts and festivals, images of concerts/festivals and include the music charts.
I am going to target my magazine at girls ranging from 12-18 year old and include different genres of music in my magazine such as Pop,R&B, Soul and rap to appeal to more people.

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