Wednesday 23 January 2013

Task 7- progression and evaluation of my music magazine

Looking back at my preliminary task(student magazine) and evaluating what I have learnt in the progression from it to my finish music magazine.

Wednesday 16 January 2013

Question 5: How did I appeal to and attract my target audience?

Before producing my music magazine I conducted some audience research to find out what my audience would like to see in my magazine, so I asked a sample of 20 teenage girls around the aged inbetween 12-18. Below are some of the photos of my questionnaire I handed out. My results were that most of the girls wanted to see: celebrity gossip about music artists etc Rihanna, Beyonce. They prefered magazines that had more images in than pages of writing, however did still like reading small articles.  Half of the girls i asked said that they were more likely to read a magazine if a freebie was included for example a free lipgloss, or nail varnish. They said qualities that made a good front cover was that it had to be colourful, an organised layout, a colour scheme, include more than just one photo of the page, the cover stories have to be interesting. They also said that the cover image used on the front cover has to be a powerful striking photo this makes it more interesting and eye catching to the audience. Through my mode of address i have included the reader by involving their interest on the front cover sell lines, content descriptions and my interview. They liked reading their horoscopes and magazines that contain information and tips on how to look good and dress stylishy, celebirty gossip, magazines with a fashion element.

These are the results of my audience feedback for my finished product.

Monday 14 January 2013


All media products such as films, television programmes,blogs,websites and magazines etc, should have an audience in mind which, this in turn impacts on all decisions made about content and design making it more appealing to certain audiences.
Media prodcuts use demographics and VALS to determine who their audience is, it also allows us to learn more about them. As shown on my Reader profile i have included which catergories my audsience fall into, my audience is teenage girls ranging from 12-18 year olds who have an interest in 'Bubblegum pop music' they also look up to people with celebrity status and aim to achieve this is why i have listed them as 'Strivers' and 'Experiencers' as they have an interest alos in fashion which links into my magazines genre.
As part of my planning I produced a reader profile for MELODIA (my music magazine) this is similar to the NME profile I made previously, it allowed me to have a greater understanding of my target audience.



QUESTION 2: How did I represent different social groups in my product?

QUESTION 1: How did you use media forms and conventions?

Here is a video of how i used media forms and conventions.